Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of membrane technology for point source carbon capture?

Membrane technology is revolutionizing point source carbon capture. We have honed our proprietary PolarisTM membranes through 15 years of development, field testing, and collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy. Here’s why our membrane technology stands out:

Unparalleled Efficiency: Polaris boasts an exceptional efficiency in point source capture of carbon emissions. The precision of our membranes allows for the selective separation of carbon dioxide from flue gas streams, ensuring a higher capture rate.

Low Energy Consumption: Traditional carbon capture processes often require significant energy inputs, especially in hard to abate applications with higher carbon dioxide levels. This drives up operational costs. Our membrane technology, however, operates with minimal energy consumption, making it a cost-effective and sustainable solution for businesses committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

Low Water Consumption: Polaris stands out for its low water consumption compared to traditional carbon capture methods. In fact, Polaris can remove and recycle water from point-source flue gas at the same time it removes carbon dioxide.

No Fossil Fuels: Polaris performs carbon dioxide separation from flue gas using only electricity. There is no heat or steam requirement, meaning no additional point source carbon dioxide emissions that require additional removal.

Scalability and Flexibility: Whether you’re a small-scale operation or an industrial giant, our membrane technology scales seamlessly to meet your carbon capture needs. Its flexibility makes it adaptable to diverse industries and applications, offering a tailored solution for businesses of all sizes.

Long-Term Reliability: We have invested more than 15 years of research and development to develop membrane technology with long-term reliability. It’s also built upon more than forty years of supplying commercial membrane systems for other industrial applications. Count on a robust and proven solution that stands up to the rigors of industrial applications, ensuring consistent and effective carbon capture over time.

Reduced Environmental Impact: We understand the importance of not just capturing carbon, but doing so in an environmentally conscious manner. Our membrane technology minimizes the environmental impact associated with carbon capture, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Explore more about how MTR Carbon Capture is leading the charge in sustainable carbon capture on our website or contact our team for personalized assistance.

In which industries does membrane technology excel for point source carbon capture?

Our proprietary PolarisTM membranes deliver effective point-source carbon capture solutions across a spectrum of industries. Here’s how our membranes excel in various sectors:

Steel and Cement Production: Heavy industries such as steel and cement production traditionally generate substantial carbon emissions. Our membrane technology offers a targeted approach to capture CO2 emissions at the source, supporting efforts to reduce the environmental impact of these critical sectors.

Waste-to-Energy Facilities: Waste-to-energy facilities play a crucial role in sustainable waste management. Our membranes enhance the environmental profile of these operations by capturing carbon emissions, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable waste-to-energy process. This is much earlier to permit compared to competing technologies, an important consideration considering the frequent co-location of waste-to-energy plants with population centers

Power Generation: Our membrane technology seamlessly integrates with power generation facilities, offering a reliable method to capture carbon emissions from fossil fuel-based processes. From coal-fired power plants to natural gas facilities, our solutions ensure cleaner energy production. Polaris can easily scale to the largest of power stations.

Industrial Manufacturing: Whether you’re in the chemical, petrochemical, or manufacturing sector, our membranes provide a versatile solution for capturing carbon emissions generated during industrial processes. Enhance your sustainability initiatives without compromising productivity.

Innovative Applications: Beyond traditional industries, our membranes find application in emerging sectors exploring innovative solutions for carbon capture. From research facilities to unconventional energy projects, our technology offers adaptability and efficiency.

At MTR Carbon Capture, we understand each industry has unique carbon capture challenges. Our tailored membrane solutions address these challenges, providing a customizable and effective approach to point-source carbon capture across diverse sectors.

Ready to explore how our membrane technology can benefit your industry? Contact us for a personalized consultation or delve deeper into our solutions on our website.

Do you manufacture your own membranes?

Yes, MTR Carbon Capture takes pride in maintaining end-to-end control over the production of our revolutionary PolarisTM membranes. Here’s why our in-house manufacturing sets us apart:

Innovation Fueled by Expertise: Our parent company, MTR, has been a leader in membrane technology for more than 40 years. Our journey begins with a team of experts dedicated to membrane research and development. By developing new membrane materials and crafting our membranes in-house, we retain the ability to infuse cutting-edge innovations directly into the manufacturing process, ensuring our technology remains at the forefront of carbon capture advancements.

Quality Assurance at Every Step: Controlling the entire manufacturing process allows us to implement rigorous quality assurance measures at every stage. From raw material selection to final assembly, we maintain strict standards to guarantee each membrane meets our exacting specifications for performance and durability.

Customization for Varied Applications: The flexibility of in-house manufacturing enables us to tailor membranes to the unique needs of different industries and applications. Our team can customize membranes to seamlessly integrate with your carbon capture requirements.

Efficiency and Timely Delivery: By manufacturing our own membranes, we optimize production processes for efficiency without compromising quality. This results in timely delivery of high-quality membranes, ensuring that your carbon capture projects remain on schedule and within budget.

Continuous Improvement Through Feedback Loops: Our close involvement in the manufacturing process allows us to establish effective feedback loops. Any insights gained from field performance or client feedback can be swiftly incorporated into our manufacturing processes, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Environmental Responsibility: In-house manufacturing empowers us to make sustainable choices throughout the production cycle. We prioritize environmentally friendly materials and processes, aligning our manufacturing practices with our commitment to reducing the overall environmental impact of carbon capture.

By choosing MTR Carbon Capture, you’re not just investing in a carbon capture solution; you’re investing in a meticulously crafted, in-house manufactured technology that reflects our dedication to excellence, innovation, and environmental stewardship.

For more details about our membrane manufacturing process or to discuss how our tailored solutions can benefit your business, reach out to our team or explore our website.

How long do Polaris membranes last?

MTR Carbon Capture takes pride in delivering not only groundbreaking technology but also durable and long-lasting solutions for point-source carbon capture. Here’s a closer look at the lifespan of our membranes:

Extended Lifespan: Our proprietary membrane technology is engineered for longevity. With careful design and rigorous testing, we ensure that our membranes can withstand the demands of industrial applications, providing extended service life over many years.

Robust Materials and Construction: We prioritize the use of high-quality materials and advanced construction techniques in the manufacturing of our membranes. This commitment to quality results in membranes that are resistant to degradation, corrosion, and wear, even in challenging operational environments.

Regular Maintenance Enhances Lifespan: While our membranes are designed for durability, regular maintenance plays a crucial role in maximizing their lifespan. Following our recommended maintenance schedule and procedures ensures optimal performance and extends the overall life of the membrane system.

Predictive Monitoring and Replacement: To provide proactive support, our membrane systems often incorporate predictive monitoring technology. This allows for real-time tracking of membrane performance metrics, enabling timely replacement when needed and minimizing any potential disruptions to your carbon capture process. We offer a service program that includes membrane replacement by MTR Carbon Capture and a guarantee of long-term plant performance.

Customized Solutions for Varied Lifespan Requirements: We understand that different industries may have distinct expectations regarding membrane lifespan. Our team works closely with clients to tailor solutions that align with specific operational needs, ensuring that the membranes meet or exceed performance expectations over time.

Continuous Research and Development: Our commitment to innovation doesn’t end with product launch. We continually invest in research and development to enhance the durability of our membranes. This dedication to improvement ensures that our technology evolves to meet the evolving demands of carbon capture in the long term.

Rest assured, when you choose MTR Carbon Capture, you are investing in a solution that not only captures carbon efficiently but does so with a focus on reliability and durability. For more details on the lifespan of our membranes or to discuss your specific requirements, contact our team or explore additional information on our website.