Contact Us Reach out and be connected to an MTR Carbon Capture team member. Customer InquiryGeneral Inquiry "*" indicates required fields Company Name*Contact Name*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 Phone*Position TitleEmail* Work LocationBriefly describe how the feed stream is generatedFEED BASIS - Stream to be TreatedCO*CO units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hNO2*NO2 units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hH2*H2 units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hNH3*NH3 units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hCH4*CH4 units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hHCl*HCl units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hSO2*SO2 units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hHF*HF units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hSO3*SO3 units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hTOC (total organic carbon)*TOC (total organic carbon) units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hNO*NO units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hDust/PM*Dust/PM units of measurement*Vol%Wt%ppm volmg/Nm3lb/hFlow Rate*Flow Rate units of measurement*MMSCFDSCFMNm3/hlb/hrkg/hrPressure*Pressure units of measurementpsigbargTemperature*Temperature units of measurement*Deg CDeg FCO2 composition*CO2 compositionDeg CDeg FPlease describe the desired outcome of the separation, or attach any files (flow diagram) of your process in the Attachment area.Attachment Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 3 MB, Max. files: 5. Sign me up for the newsletter Consent* I agree to the Data Storage and Data Processing Policies.*CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. "*" indicates required fields Company Name*Contact Name*Phone*Position TitleEmail Address* Work LocationProvide more details about your inquiry Sign me up for the newsletter Consent* I agree to the Data Storage and Data Processing Policies.*CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.